PHONE: (216) 903-0600
TOLL FREE: 1 (800) 959-3940
6486 State Road C-15
Cleveland, Ohio 44134
Dog Bite Injuries
Most states make dog owners liable for all dog bites when a person is bitten, based simply on owning the dog that did the biting. A few require the victim to prove that the dog was vicious or that the dog owner or another party caused the incident through negligence or by violating an animal control law (like a leash law). Fortunately most homeowner's insurance policies cover the victim's legal damages and renter's insurance polices purchased by dog owners. Most victims of dog bites are children.
We understand local laws and have extensive experience with animal attack cases. We can help you with the details of your claim.
To find out about your legal rights as a dog bite victim give our office a call today for your free consultation.(800)959-3940